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5 Signs Your Heater Needs Help

It’s winter in Boston. You’re chilly, you’re spending most of your time dodging the cold indoors, and you’re doing everything possible to help your home’s heater work for you. If you’re being honest with yourself though… it’s just not enough. This is when you need to turn to the expertise of a professional.

We know what it’s like to be in the position of a homeowner. We understand that you don’t want to call for heating repair in Boston, MA, during the middle of the winter season. This is when you need your heater the most and you don’t want anyone in your home working on a system you need during prime time. We understand this and it’s why we specialize in prompt repair. 

This Is a Sign You Should Help Your Heater

Here are the signs that your heater needs a little helping hand this winter season:

1.      There’s No Pattern

You start to pick up on the patterns of your home’s heater even if you’re not paying super close attention. You know that you set your thermostat in the morning and it cycles on and off a few times throughout the day. What happens when you start to notice that the pattern is irregular though?

You might start to notice that your heater runs in super long or super short cycles. There should be a regular, steady pattern. If you can’t rely on this anymore, then you should schedule an appointment for heating repair.

2.      You’re Cold

You’re cold even when you run your heater often or if you’ve been running it all day. This is a bad sign. You want to be warm in Boston and your heater should be your biggest ally in this. If it isn’t, then it’s time to make some changes.

3.      You’re Paying A High Price for Low-Quality Heat

Have you noticed that your heat is costing you far too much? Maybe you’ve noticed that your heater is more expensive than ever, but you can’t say that your heating is as high-quality as ever. This is the unmistakable sign of a declining heater. You should call us to rid your home of this issue.

4.      Your Thermostat Is Inaccurate

Unless you have your thermostat placed in an inopportune spot, you should definitely have an accurate thermostat reading. If you feel like you’re thermostat is picking up on a temperature that just isn’t there consult one of our professionals. You might have your thermostat in a bad spot or your heater itself could be the culprit behind the trouble.

5.      Foul Furnace Odors

A foul odor coming from your furnace is a sign that you’re really struggling with your home furnace health. This can be a major issue regarding your health. You don’t want any carbon monoxide leaks happening in your home. If this is what’s going on, then you should schedule an appointment with our team members. We can fix the problems that you have going on.

Give us a call to find out how we can meet your unique heating and cooling needs. Schedule an appointment today.

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