Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Archive for April, 2023

Why Heat Pumps Need Twice a Year Maintenance

Monday, April 24th, 2023

What a relief that spring is finally here! With all the beautiful weather and outdoor opportunities, it can be easy to forget the important tasks that should be done this time of year. If you have a heat pump, scheduling maintenance for it should be at the top of your to-do list. And yes, that’s true even if you had maintenance in the fall.

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Kitchen Sink Problems that Need a Plumber

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Oh no! Something’s wrong with the kitchen sink! Should you call a plumber right away? Well, maybe. But there might be something you can try yourself first. We’ll go over the common plumbing problems that plague kitchen sinks, give tips for resolving some yourself, and point out when plumbers are necessary.

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