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How Thermostat Upgrades Make a Difference

studio-shot-of-a-modern-thermostatOur homes are becoming smarter every day. You can see who’s ringing the doorbell from your phone at work. You can control the lights while never getting up to touch a switch. You can even lock your doors from across the country.

And thermostats aren’t being left behind. And these cool little gadgets come in two styles: Wi-Fi and Smart thermostats. In this article, we’ll break down the difference between them and explain the benefits of each and how it can all make a positive difference in your comfort, well-being, and wallet.

Wi-Fi vs. Smart Thermostat: What’s the Same?

All smart thermostats are technically Wi-Fi thermostats as well. However, that doesn’t mean the reverse is true. So, they both share the features of connecting to the internet and allowing you to adjust your home’s temperature from an application on your phone.

They also look modern and sleek, especially compared to older digital models or, worse, analog thermostats. And you can give voice commands to both devices.

The biggest benefit is that they both make your heating in Newton, MA more energy efficient, meaning you’re using less energy from wasted heating when you’re not home. And you’re also saving money on the monthly energy bills.

What makes a thermostat smart is its ability to learn and adapt to your patterns and behaviors. They also use geofencing, meaning it’s updated on your location and can set the temperature to your preferred level without you needing to open an app.

Plus, it’ll let you know when something is wrong with your HVAC system and you need to give us a call before things get worse.

Wi-Fi or Smart Thermostats: Which One Should You Choose?

If we had to pick one, we’d go with a smart thermostat: why? Because, in the end, they come with more features and can automate a lot of the tasks for keeping your house warm and your family comfortable.

Smart thermostats can monitor your energy usage and make adjustments throughout the day to net more savings on your energy bill. Also, as they learn more about your habits, it makes your life more enjoyable. And you can’t forget about the wow factor that comes with owning any “smart” device.

However, there are situations where Wi-Fi thermostats shine. For one, they’re more budget-friendly and offer the same key features like smart thermostats. And smart thermostats can be difficult to get used to and they can be too intelligent.

Finally, if you don’t have a regular schedule or a large family that comes and goes at all hours of the day, then a lot of the extra bells and whistles from smart thermostats don’t work as well.

Now that you understand the benefits of each, you can now better decide which thermostat style works best for you. And if you still can’t decide, let us help! We’re here to perfect your heating in Newton, MA through your thermostat services. Contact us when you need great work.

Contact Cooling Unlimited, Inc. today to schedule an appointment for your smart and Wi-Fi thermostat services.

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