Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Thermostat Settings’

The Art of Setting Your Thermostat: The Dos and Don’ts

Monday, January 20th, 2020

studio-shot-of-a-modern-thermostatYou walk over to your thermostat mounted on the wall, pick a temperature, and set it—that’s all there is to setting your thermostat, right?

Well, while it might seem this way, it’s actually a little more complex. Your thermostat is more than just the switch that’s responsible for turning on your heating and cooling system; your thermostat is the commander of your entire HVAC system.

If your HVAC system was a symphony all working in perfect harmony, then the thermostat would be the conductor. It commands everything that goes on. You need to make sure that you know how to wield the power that your thermostat holds. You don’t have to think of running your thermostat as a right or wrong affair, but there are some best practices that we’ll dive into below…

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